
Luck /lək/ a force that brings good fortune or adversity; favoring chance

While the cynic may mock the lack of logic in luck (if any logic it contains), and the ingenuous may use it to hide behind, I myself hold the belief that luck is the stream of fortuitous happenings, grounded in unfaltering dedication.

Such happenings, for me, can only be described as God-given. Those moments when we have tapped into that divine realm, for even an flicker of a moment, makes me wonder if there's something so much larger than myself, waiting to be known; that I'm part of a grand scheme that I don't yet fully understand, but influence more than you realize. There are so many times when I am struck with the realization that the Lord bestows power upon me, or sends his angels at times when I most need it. Even more satisfying are those times when I become someone else's angel. I dare not deny that the Lord gives us so much more than we deserve.

How incredibly lucky am I. Can people share luck? If I could, I would splice it into a million shards, and sprinkle it across the globe. I am often prone to forgetfulness, but every once in a while, just at the right moment, I am hit with the striking realization that I have it.

Luck, I mean.

I love that I can arise each morning with a healthy body, dance out of bed, if I so desire. I love that my family has allowed me to experience the kind of love that I would freely die for. I love that the world is at my fingertips, just waiting to determine how I can leave my mark. I love that books are an integral and familiar part of me, and that over a million words are available to me with the click of a mouse. I love that the sound of the slide between chords on a guitar is so familiar to me. I love that I have so many truly amazing friends, who constantly inspire me to be better. I love that chocolate exists. I love the hope that Spring brings. I love how I wake up every morning and realize that reality is so much better than my dreams. I love that I have a best friend, who died for me so that I can live with him again. That's real luck.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, this is written so beautifully! You are definitely a huge blessing in my life! I love you!
